Child & Teen Prevention
The children and teens of America are the future of all of us. At Project Lazarus, we believe appropriate drug prevention programs taught at an appropriate age can greatly impact a young person's decision to use or not to use drugs in their future. Project Lazarus also feels that it is equally important to teach safe medication use, storage, and disposal techniques to youth. While many schools teach some drug prevention in their curriculum, parents and adults talking to youth about drugs has proven effective. We know it isn't an easy conversation to have, but it is definitely worth having with your child and the youth around you. Even if you do not feel that you have enough knowledge about drugs or are simply overwhelmed by the complexity of peer pressure, media messages, and life your child lives outside of your home, talking with him/her can and will make a difference.

If you are concerned that your child is already using drugs, you must take appropriate action in order to help your child. The Drug Free Alliance offers resources and step-by-step actions at: Also, please use the Pill Identification Wizard to identify the type of pills you suspect your child may be taking.
Substance use prevention teams focus on spreading awareness about drug prevention are a great way to involve youth in a fun activity that is also effective in preventing your child from using drugs. Project Lazarus in Wilkes County, NC has established teams in seven out of the nine county middle and high-schools. At the beginning of each school year, all students who join the club take a sobriety pledge against drugs and alcohol so that they may be a role model for their peers. To encourage participation and teamwork, each team focuses on several projects that support building awareness to their peers about the dangers surrounding prescription drugs and other drugs. At the end of the school year the teams usually take a grand finale trip to reflect on their progress, achievements, and plans for the next year. Popular choices have been ziplining and waterparks, both of which are great alternative "highs" for youth.