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Project Lazarus Community Coalition Resources


Whether your coalition is just beginning or has been making headlines for months, we have multiple items that can increase functionality in your coalition and help spread the word in your community. If any materials you would like to see are not listed below, please let us know at and we'll do our best to get you what you need. 

Project Lazarus Community Toolkit

The Project Lazarus Community Toolkit was designed to meet the needs of those wishing to implement, sustain, and lead a Project Lazarus coalition. All components of the toolkit may be downloaded or individual sections may be used, depending on the needs of the coalition. To view or download any item, simply click on the underlined text below. Included:

Ready-to-Go Handouts


Project Lazarus strives to always have updated educational materials for coalitions to print and distribute in their communities. Check this site often for new materials to be added. These items are ready for print after download and Project Lazarus releases permission to coalitions to distribute; however, any changes wishing to be made to the items below should be sent to Project Lazarus before print and distribution. To view or download any item, simply click on the underlined text below.



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